Pearl drum kit builder
Pearl drum kit builder

pearl drum kit builder

The hard part is knowing what you want and not being daunted. You can customize any number of fades, sunbursts, grain-thru mists, opaque colors, marbleized finishes, satin oil burnishes, or Pearl Exotic Artisan Exterior Ply Finishes to tailor a style that's right for you. Pearl Masterworks lets you easily customise your dream kit in just about any way you can imagine. any other custom drum builder making each drum a truly unique work of art. Unlike many other "custom" drums, there are no pre-fabricated shells or pre-determined finishes for Pearl's Masterworks drums. Every element of the drum kits sound, look, and feel is player-selected. Each Concierge Dealer features a complete in-stock assortment of one-of-a-kind Masterworks component sets and snare drums and a commitment to an unparalleled service.

#Pearl drum kit builder series#

The results of these efforts are Pearl's Golden Ratio air vents, available exclusively on Masterworks Series drums. To ensure the very best custom crafting partnership between the drummer and builder, Pearl's Masterworks Concierge Dealer Network is a select number of elite drum retail centers. They discovered that for every drum depth there is an upper and lower Golden Ratio location, and testing revealed that the upper location noticeably improves attack, which is perfect for snare drums, while the lower position improves low frequency response, ideal for toms and bass drums. Pearl's engineers sought to determine whether they could apply Golden Ratio to drums and more specifically to the location of the air vents.

pearl drum kit builder

The clip has an open (Picture 10) and closed (Picture 11. The exact mechanical construction of the clip of the arm extension varies, but I will only explain the one displayed in the pictures. These eliminate the need for an entire extra stand, and it also conserves space. The proportions found in Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper" follow the Golden Ratio. A lot of drum kits benefit from cymbal arm extensions (Picture 9). The exterior dimensions of the Parthenon are said to form a perfect Golden Rectangle. Stradivarius applied the Golden Ratio to define the location of the "f-holes" and proportions of his masterwork violins.

pearl drum kit builder

It is a mathematical constant (1.61803) found repeatedly in nature and has been used by artisans for generations to create art and structure with pleasing proportions. The Golden Ratio, also known as the Golden Section, Golden Mean, Golden Rectangle, and the Divine Proportion, has intrigued mathematicians since the time of the Pharaohs. I have a rug under my drum set and I only play with earphones on. I play only after work, usually at about 7-8 PM for about an hour. From hand selecting the finest woods and painstakingly forming the shell. Its an e-drum set, not that loud (in my opinion, at least) but I keep getting messages left by my neighbors either on the entrance panel or in the mailbox. Pearl's swivel tube lugs assure perfect rod to lug alignment for optimal seating and tuning. Pearl Masterworks drum sets are entirely hand made by a Pearl master craftsman.

Pearl drum kit builder